
The Problem with Being the ‘Hot Girl’

What it’s really like being the hottest girl in the room.


I’m a model. I mean, I’m a writer, but I’m also a model. So I know what I’m talking about when I say that, along with all the benefits (like having an easier time getting into nightclubs and finding casual sex, I suppose, if that’s what you’re into), there are also a lot of negatives that come along with the package of ‘being beautiful’. And please, don’t hate me because I’m A) beautiful, or B) complaining about it (yeah, I know it may be hard)…

The Problem with Being the ‘Hot Girl’

One of my modeling shots.

Reason #1: It makes dating harder. Yes, you heard right. I’ll explain why. When men see a woman that looks like a model, far too many of them see her as an object. I can only partially blame them for this, since society hammers it into our heads with objectifying ads and misogynistic porn. Hence, these men see ‘hot girls’ as something to possess and show off. They don’t really spend a lot of time trying to get to know her as a person, because for many men, beauty is enough.

But wait — that actually really sucks for us pretty girls. Really. Because when a man wants to possess you, he often pretends to be whatever you want… until he gets tired of pretending. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten my hopes up and ended up with “Wow, he turned out to be a giant a-hole… but I really thought he was suuucch a nice guy! I don’t know what happened??” It’s because either he could only fake it for so long, or he moved on to another ‘hot girl’. We are, after all, pretty much interchangeable when looked at purely from a superficial perspective.

Continue to Reason # 2 through 4…

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Sarah enlightens us on a daily basis with the newest trends as (and often before) they transpire. She is the consummate globe trotter. Having traveled to over 70 countries, she earns her living writing, blogging ( and modeling while on the road. In her spare time she gets manicures, suntans on yachts in Greece, shops for even more shoes, and lives in the limelight. She loves photography, elephants, sailboats, bangles and ballet flats.

Reader Discussion: 101 Comments

  1. Grim Stevens

    Well, what a demented article. Thank you for your perspective on the horrors having every advantage in life given to you.

  2. Mike

    You could always get plastic surgery to make yourself homely. I get all this, but I don’t think a single beautiful person has ever wished they could by ugly. And I would kill to be 40 and hot for just one day because at my age (65) I am aggressively scorned by women of all ages. They all but give themselves whiplash to avoid eye contact with me. At least no one ever bothers me if they even see me in the first place.

  3. Nunya Bizz

    I think it’s all in the way you approach people. I grew up being homely but eventually became better looking so I know how it is to be treated looking both ways. I’d much rather be treated like I am now. I’ve occasionally dealt with jealous girls but for the most part I get along with everybody bc once you get to know me you realize I’m humble.
    Women don’t like beautiful women that act conceited about it. I had a friend who was overweight that told me she liked hanging out with me bc I was a beautiful girl that didn’t act like I was beautiful so she was comfortable around me. I find the pretty girls that have probs making friends are the ones that have shitty attitudes and say things openly like all the girls are jealous of me. If I couldn’t be anonymous on here, I’d never admit people think I’m beautiful bc nobody likes that. It’s just conceited and off putting. Sorry just the truth.

  4. Lina Gwen

    Thanks for this article. There are so much more, including safety problems because pervs target pretty girls, and most women are too jealous to help her, or they’ll make situations worse due to their jealousy. It is disgusting the way people are. Be safe.

  5. Mary

    Hi Sarah! Thanks for this. I find it to be true in my life too. Particularly other women getting close just to hurt me because of some sort of de-humanization/monsterization/villification of beauty. Thanks for putting it into words. I did not want to believe it until those haters come to their senses and start apologizing for being “jealous”. In the process they can be very hurtful and even dangerous. If I had a daughter I am not sure if I want her to get all the “good” genetics. It is far too troublesome.

  6. Life is hard when you are beautiful. Everyone envies you, So many are jealous, Men throw themselves at you. It’s hard dealing with all this pressure.

  7. Never had that problem. I don’t consider myself hot nor attractive to the point that it becomes a problem. I’m just the simple awesome me.

  8. Ali

    I have never thought I was conventionally beautiful or even pretty, but I have noticed women can be very jealous if they see another woman has physical assets they desire, e.g. large breasts or luxurious hair. It’s absurd how sometimes you can’t even have a friendly conversation with a guy because his wife or girlfriend considers you a threat. I’ve lost count of the number of times chicks will act nice to my face but then they’ll fail to call/text me back or cut contact for no reason, and I’ll realise it’s because of jealousy because these women would always make an issue of my looks, even though I do not dress up or wear makeup. Which is crazy because I always felt ugly and awkward growing up. I sometimes wonder if it’s more to do with individual women’s insecurity and nothing to do with lookers because yeah, I’m also fat.

    I also think there is a difference between beauty and style. Style changes from century to century but beauty is forever. So you can either attract people because you’re objectively beautiful, i.e. have good proportions and health, or because you possess the stylised elements that your society finds attractive, e.g. big fish lips and strong jawlines of today’s modelling standards. It’s got nothing to do with beauty, actually; it’s more to do with what the fashion industry shoves through our eyeballs. Some of those models are even ugly in my opinion, but they’re striking in a way that sells products, so in an ironic way, that ugliness becomes the new ‘beauty’ of tomorrow.

  9. Tracy Anderson

    You know what, I think that beauty is something beyond our understanding like there could be 100 crazy beautiful girls in a room, only one would catch all the eyes on her, because she has that something you can’t explain. MOst of the time, she’s not even the prettiest girl, she just looks confident. Remember that is a big part of seduction, just believe in you, don’t get mad for anything and stay natural, you will attract way more men than before!

  10. Ariel

    “For MANY men, beauty is enough”! I thought you had said “some”, not “many”. Wow. Just wow. I guess that means we less-than-eights are screwed, especially if we are over thirty!! Please directly insult us instead of putting us down in this cowardly roundabout way.

    • Michael DB

      No you ARE screwed because you get to be seen as you are, and attractiveness is not skin deep. I could go on and on; just don’t view yourself as losing out because of ‘ordinary’ looks. There’s no such thing. The vast majority of females look attractive to us males. I am constantly looking at the attractiveness of females of all different sizes shapes etc. The female IS attractive to the male!

    • Honey, she was just being honest. But don’t worry, by the time guys hit their 30s, they become slightly less shallow. (not tryin to be sexist, but I have lost track of the amount of times I’ve heard college guys behind me say, “man, that chick was sooo hot,” or “she’s got huge jugs,” and other creative things along these lines.

    • Hi Ariel, I wasn’t trying to be insulting, and I am honestly sorry if it came off that way. I was just sharing what, in my life experience, I’ve found to be true…

      • Ariel

        Hi Sarah. I understand. It’s true although the thing is beauty is subjective. There’s this really superficial man for whom your statement is definitely true, and he wanted to date me several years ago. He saw one picture of me & liked it but he asked my friend if he could look through all my Facebook pictures to make sure the one he saw was not just a rogue good picture. Lol. (My friend set us up). We went on one date and then when I wouldn’t go back to his place he was done with me. We’re still friends, though. He’s good-looking but short (kind of looks like Jason Bateman). Point being yes he is one of those men for whom beauty is enough. But there are other men who wouldn’t even look my way. It’s all relative.

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