Your Top 20 Bucket List for Living the Good Life
How highly successful people end up living their best life possible.
16. Umfassen Sie die Freude am Leben.
„Es kann schwer sein, sich unsere Geschichte zu eigen zu machen, aber bei weitem nicht so schwierig, wie unser Leben damit zu verbringen, davor davonzulaufen. Das Akzeptieren unserer Verletzlichkeit ist riskant, aber bei weitem nicht so gefährlich wie das Aufgeben von Liebe, Zugehörigkeit und Freude – den Erfahrungen, die uns am verletzlichsten machen. Nur wenn wir mutig genug sind, die Dunkelheit zu erkunden, werden wir die unendliche Kraft unseres Lichts entdecken.“ –Brené Brown
17. Verbringen Sie Zeit alleine.
„Die wichtigste Beziehung in Ihrem Leben ist die Beziehung, die Sie zu sich selbst haben. Denn egal was passiert, du wirst immer bei dir sein.“ –Diane von Fürstenberg
18. Werden Sie vegan und lassen Sie es Ihr Herz öffnen.
„Ich habe schon in jungen Jahren dem Verzehr von Fleisch abgeschworen, und die Zeit wird kommen, in der Männer wie ich das Töten von Tieren so betrachten werden, wie sie jetzt das Töten von Menschen betrachten.“ – Leonard da Vinci
19. Finden Sie etwas, das Sie mit absoluter Hingabe tun können.
„Tu alles, aber lass es Freude bereiten.“ -Walt Whitman
20. Schaffen Sie in Ihrem Leben Platz für medienfreie Zeit.
„Es wird ‚das Netz‘ genannt, denn wenn man erst einmal drin ist, steckt man fest.“ –Terry Hall
Was sind Ihre Tipps für ein gutes Leben?
Marie Carbell
Great! I think everything here is very helpful. I would add: Take the time to look at the stars sometimes and realize how small we are, and how small are our issues and anxiety. It always helps me to handle my troubles with more calm…
Angela Sum
I love this! It’s very encouraging for me as an artist/entrepreneur. Just too many I can’t find all the time to do!
Christina Brown
Sounds great!! looking forward to putting these into practice. Thank you! This arrived at the right moment. There are a few similarities between some of your goals, like doing something that makes me uncomfortable and setting physical challenge for myself(i’m into cycling and running). What I love about this bucket lists is realizing how many amazing things I have already accomplished in my life. Looking forward to more inspiration from this site.
Helen Franklin
Very easy to read and apply to ones life. Some great points to ponder on stepping out of our comfort zone. I will try to set my focus inward to create a more centered, peaceful world around me and push through the other stuff. This post is so insightful and inspiring. Thanks Hilary, for taking the time present this information to us.
Alice Harris
Wonderful! i love these tips. I hope to practice each item listed.
Leslie Williams
What I most love about this article that it shows a bucket-list isn’t just about the places that you want to visit and the adventures that you want to go on. This is all about personal growth, and I really adore it! I’m adding your ideas to my list. And as I volunteer twice a week,I can already cross one thing off the list. 🙂 😉
Frances Seifert
This has completely changed my perspective. These are such striking ideas. It is so beautiful and unique that it just makes me want to write down my own list, which I’ll do at some point, and I’ll include these amazing ideas too.
Amelia Beckons
Just wanted to stop by and thank you for this amazing article. I can’t even begin to tell you how inspired I am right now even though I’m not one to make bucket lists. This article inspired me to do a karma list. A list of bad things I’ve done, and I’ll work on making them right again. 🙂
Diana Hewitt
Amazing. I was just about to cross something off of my bucket list when I ran into this post. I fully agree with every point made. Your Bucket list shouldn’t just be a mindless collection of random things to do before you hit 60- though you have every right to make it just that if you want. But it should include thing about bettering yourself, trying something new, and having fun in the process.
Selia Szczepanska
Well put! Life is way more than making a list of things that you would like to do. If you don’t think about the activities within your Bucket List, it becomes yet another “to-do” list. However, with much thought about what’s important to you and where your life is headed, your bucket list can become truly meaningful. Thank you for this article! 🙂