All posts tagged "the media & ads"
Hilary Rowland | 145 comments
Is Feminist a Dirty Word?
How did this happen -- and what can we do about it?
Hilary Rowland | 231 comments
The United Boy’s Club of America: Oppressed by the Media Octopus
5 reasons why the men in charge are trying to change the conversation, and how we can change...
Ariana Crisafulli | 174 comments
Examining the Motivations for Slut-Shaming
“Sexy pirate” costumes and Brazilian-cut bikinis are not the issue. The issue is that women aren’t the ones...
Angela Davis | 196 comments
What Losing 35 Pounds Taught Me
Losing the weight was the easy part. Dealing with the billion-dollar brainwash is what really blew my mind.
Auriane Desombre | 142 comments
Is Feminism Still Relevant?
10 reasons why I still need feminism.
Rebecca Givens | 146 comments
Does Food Have a Gender?
Is everything you eat 100% your choice? The answer is shocking...
Jennifer Spillane | 73 comments
Women and Beauty: Changing the Conversation
Why we shouldn't be trying to convince people that every woman is beautiful.
Hilary Rowland | 124 comments
How Messed Up Lessons From Disney Films Affect Us
A startling look into the lessons embedded in Disney films.
Hilary Rowland | 41 comments
The United Boy’s Club of America: Beauty Queens, Bad Mothers and Bitches
Is the media manipulating the way you view women in politics -- without you realizing it?
Hilary Rowland | 84 comments
Objectification: What’s the Big Deal, Anyway??
Is it really about seducing men, or is it more about tapping into female insecurities?
Hilary Rowland | 91 comments
Weigh THIS Diet
Sick of hearing about the latest diet? We found the solution.