Womens Issues
How Messed Up Lessons From Disney Films Affect Us
A startling look into the lessons embedded in Disney films.
Este estudio no se centró sólo en cuántas palabras dijeron los personajes, sino también en lo que dijeron. Analizaron los elogios y aquí vemos una tendencia positiva. Durante la etapa de Clásicos, los personajes femeninos recibieron el 55% de los elogios por su apariencia y el 11% por sus habilidades. En la era New Age, los personajes femeninos reciben elogios por su apariencia el 22% del tiempo y por sus habilidades el 40% del tiempo.
Con la tanda más reciente de películas de Princesas de Disney, la tendencia de los diálogos se ha invertido. Frozen, Brave y Tangled han sido más juiciosos sobre los roles de habla entre géneros. Este nuevo ciclo presenta princesas que son independientes, talentosas y, a menudo, impulsoras de sus propias narrativas. De hecho, en un cambio dramático de los acontecimientos con respecto a las primeras princesas, estas modernas a menudo salvan a los hombres. En Frozen, la tradicional historia de amor da un giro cuando se revela que el verdadero amor es el amor entre hermanas.
Pero Disney podría aún Muy bien nos estará jodiendo. Un motivo importante en el feminismo actual es la imagen corporal poco realista, y Disney hace muy poco para abordarlo. Proporciones corporales imposibles en las princesas de Disney yeste estudiodescubrió que las proporciones entre los cuerpos de las mujeres y los hombres en las películas modernas de Disney refuerzan la noción sexista de que las mujeres son hermosas sólo cuando son increíblemente delgadas, con delicados rasgos faciales caucásicos.
Mira, no creo que debamos perder la cabeza por las películas de princesas de Disney. Al fin y al cabo, estas películas están destinadas a entretener y poco más. Dicho esto, los niños no son capaces de comprender los posibles efectos que puede tener en su autoimagen y, claramente, interiorizar estos mensajes sexistas. Entonces, ¿cuál es la respuesta? Como suele suceder, ser conscientes, educados y votar con nuestro dinero es realmente lo mejor que podemos hacer.
Hannah Banana
A Disney movie that never had as much success was the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Whenever you buy Disney merchandise, you never see Esmerelda among the popular Disney Princesses Jasmine, Belle, Ariel, and Cinderella. The themes it dealt with such as disabilities and religious persecution was too dark for mainstream audiences. I was a Disney fed child. Every year my family took a trip to Disney World and I still love my Disney movies it’s just that we have realize that they weren’t as empowered as they were marketed to be. Like Hilary was saying many people were saying that Ariel giving up her voice to be with prince Eric was promoting passivity. Even though Disney movies have come a long way since their racist and sexist start in 1940 they still have a ways to go.
Hannah Banana
When I was a child I pretended to be Princess Jasmine. But now I’m beginning to rethink that those movies aren’t as female empowerment as they had led us to believe. Beauty and the beast had a lot of good themes like making the lead character a nerd and that real beauty comes from within but why does every female character get all the guys in every role? Why couldn’t they have made the leads not get a lot of attention from guys? If you look at the movie the hunchback of notre dame Esmerelda was never a Disney princess. The themes that movie dealt with-religious persecution, disabilities-was too dark for most audiences. Even though I still love my Disney movies and Disney world trips it’s good people are beginning to rethink the themes of the movies.
Check out the Beast and the Beuty
Patti Salazar
I feel like Cinderella was the worst of all. What a freaking gold digger. But yeah, not to mention the prince of Sleeping Beauty who just kissed a princess who wasn’t even conscious. I wouldn’t have understood all of this if it wasn’t for this article. But I was thinking that maybe Disney didn’t intend to do this, mainly because they’re not really the author of these classic books. Removing the main details would have been a complete remake. So I guess they didn’t have a choice.
Joan Taylor
I don’t remember Disney being as stupid as this. Maybe we’re just overthinking?
Delores Green
I hate how they made Rapunzel dumb. I used to like her.
Hilda Norris
Oh please, just because they’re cartoons it doesn’t always mean it’s for kids. Plus, supervise your children so that they don’t end up watching something as stupid as this.
Claudia Delgado
Never liked old Disney anyways. I like the current Disney Princesses better. Elsa didn’t even need a prince.
Monique Fleming
I was probably a dumb kid back in the days because I didn’t even see the undertone of these Disney movies. I just thought that princess and prince’s were loving couples and that everyone in this world has their prince charming. The real message was lost in translation to me. Eitherway, I’m glad someone compiled this because I want this to serve as a lesson to a lot of people that even though they’re cartoons and that the show seems harmless, we might be putting across the wrong message.
Angel Gray
I didn’t even know that Snow White was 15 and she lived with 7 male dwarves!
Charlotte Reisa
Ahaha this comment wins it all.