Womens Issues
Hilary Rowland | 145 comments
Is Feminist a Dirty Word?
How did this happen — and what can we do about it?
Hilary Rowland | 219 comments
5 Small Steps Towards Female Empowerment
You probably hadn’t considered these.
Auriane Desombre | 136 comments
Does Our Language Discourage Women?
How do the words we’ve all been called affect us?
Auriane Desombre | 79 comments
Are Women Less Assertive than Men?
…or are social expectations messing with our minds?
Sarah Woodstock | 170 comments
Getting Nagged? 5 Graceful Rebuttals
Here’s how to deal with those uncomfortable questions this holiday season.
Hilary Rowland | 94 comments
The United Boy’s Club of America: Equality is an American Fiction
Equality and opportunity for all?? Not quite.
Hilary Rowland | 231 comments
The United Boy’s Club of America: Oppressed by the Media Octopus
5 reasons why the men in charge are trying to change the conversation, and how we can change it back.
Emily Graham | 239 comments
Catcalling: Harmless, or Harassment?
Should we be flattered or frightened? …or both?
Pegah Aarabi | 292 comments
Balancing Work and Kids: A Discussion
A conversation with leading women in their fields about working (or not) with a child.
Paakhi Bhatnagar | 89 comments
An Open Letter to All Those Who Call Themselves Pro-Life
…including my best friend.
Ariana Crisafulli | 174 comments
Examining the Motivations for Slut-Shaming
“Sexy pirate” costumes and Brazilian-cut bikinis are not the issue. The issue is that women aren’t the ones taking ownership of their own sexuality.
Hilary Rowland | 146 comments
How to Deal with Haters
Is there a way to inspire less hatred in others, or is it simply something we have to live with?
Auriane Desombre | 115 comments
Are the Mommy Wars Harming Feminism?
What’s up with this problematic part of motherhood that never seems to impact fathers??
Angela Davis | 196 comments
What Losing 35 Pounds Taught Me
Losing the weight was the easy part. Dealing with the billion-dollar brainwash is what really blew my mind.
Hilary Rowland | 126 comments
Is Religion Afraid of Women?
Why did our view of women get so distorted?
Hilary Rowland | 155 comments
Myths About Women (Listen Up, Trump!)
Don’t all women really just want to make babies, cook and clean?
Auriane Desombre | 161 comments
Does Our Culture Glorify Sexual Abuse?
How does blurring lines of perceived consent affect our culture — and you?
Hilary Rowland | 163 comments
Why Do Women Hate Women?
We’ll never get ahead if we delight in each other’s downfall.
Frederica Pellman | 208 comments
Why Are These Men Joking About Sexual Assault??
Because, well, shut up, feminist!
Auriane Desombre | 142 comments
Is Feminism Still Relevant?
10 reasons why I still need feminism.