
A Day-Long Walking Tour of Verona, Italy

“The City of Romance”, with its charming streets, history and elegance, left me wanting more…


Castel San Pietro

Once you’ve made it to the Ponte Pietra bridge you will want to walk for six more minutes to get to Castel San Pietro. It is here where Verona was founded. On top of this green hill, crowned by cypresses, is where the remains of the first settlements, which date back to the 7th century B.C., can be found.

At the top of this hill stands the Austrian Fortress created in the 19th century. To head to the top and view the Fortress face to face, you can take the stairway near the Roman Theater. However, you can only see the castle from the outside; it is unfortunately not open to visitors.

A Day-Long Walking Tour of Verona, Italy

Looking down, I took in the incredible view and experienced the feeling of having Verona right beneath my feet. The roads, walls, historic buildings and towers… It’s one place you must make time for.


Gelato Pretto

So, you can’t go anywhere in Italy without trying gelato, right? Plus, after all that walking, and the extra 15 minutes you’ll need to get here, you will want to have something to cool you off. But not all gelato is created equal – believe me! Pretto is absolutely mouth-watering. I found this particular gelato store while in Piazza delle Erbe and I have to say that of all the gelato shops I’ve tried, this by far is my favourite.

A Day-Long Walking Tour of Verona, Italy

Their gelato is smooth and beautifully crafted. The Pretto website states that they make their gelato without preservatives, colourings or artificial flavours. From a chic looking shop, gourmet gelato, to great customer service this is one gelateria you can’t miss. I had the Stracciatella gelato and all I can say is wow. Yes, some say it’s similar to our chocolate chip ice-cream, but I am here to tell you — it’s not even close.

The chocolate pieces included in this gelato are phenomenal: small, yet chunky in the smoothest way. It melts right in your mouth and looks delicious too. As the day slowly came to a close, the Pretto Gelato Arte Italiana shop was the perfect cherry on top to a great few hours in Verona.

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Anna graduated York University with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Professional Writing, specializing in Journalism. She started off writing book reviews for her own website, and from there branched out to writing for numerous publications. She hopes that her work will inspire and interest readers, allowing them to question, write and express their thoughts and opinions (starting with in the comments!)

Reader Discussion: 104 Comments

  1. Loved the tips to Verona! Hope we are allowed to travel again very soon.

  2. Ely

    This a very informative post! If I may add, the Scaliger Castle in Villafranca di Verona is a great old fortress definitely worth a visit! Just 20 minutes from Verona. I love it there!

  3. Karen Smith

    Verona is not the most exciting city to visit compared to all other famous cities in Italy, but it is certainly a chill and relaxing place to spend a day. Lovely to walk, inexpensive food, good for pictures and a colosseum without the crazy crowd in Rome. What more can you ask for in such a small city, Lovely post!

  4. LINA

    I was sold at those spots and oh that gelato! They look so romantic I wanna live here! ? I look forward visiting Verona when I visit Italy next year. Thanks for the awesome pics! ?

  5. Patty F

    I think the place is overrated, I’d rather go to Venice. ?

  6. Jessie Fernande

    All pictures are really fantastic! Verona is an amazing place to visit in Italy. I really want to go!

  7. I would love to visit Venice and Verona, it’s one of the destination on my travel wish list. Reading your post has made me want to go sooner than later!

  8. Nataliya Smith

    I loved your post! I long to go to Italy, but haven’t made the trip yet. Too many family commitments unfortunately. Your post was really useful though.


    Thanks for this article. Now I’m convinced that I should really add this to my travel bucket list.

  10. Selli Coaze

    I have always wanted to visit Verona and see the famous Balcony!

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