
Beware the Pseudo-Intellectual!

Is he for real, or just trying to get into your pants?


Not quite sure why this is, but “Pseudo-Intellectuals” are definitely one of the more unfortunate things I’ve noticed in the dating world. You may remember that classic scene from Good Will Hunting, where Will shuts down a pseudo-intellectual who is trying to pick up a girl at the bar. “My boy is Wicked smaht!” If you don’t remember, here it is:

Sometimes it begins with an animated discussion about certain books, authors, stories, how they affected so-and-so’s life, and oh… how the list goes on. Other times it begins with an awkward conversation, one that happens so slyly underneath a blanket of vodka tonics that the victim doesn’t notice the embarrassing amount of fallacies that they’d usually point out if sober. Often times it doesn’t even occur in an intoxicated situation; rather it could be in a normal conversation at a coffee shop. You’ve seen that guy sitting near the window looking down into a thick book filled with impressive words and philosophies, but what you don’t realize is that he’s looking up to make sure you notice.

“Do you read?” No? Oh. Gasp.

Beware the Pseudo-Intellectual!

The media is all over this too! Blogs have begun to pick up on the sudden attractiveness of men reading. Various other sites, books and movies depict the dreamy man as a smart, refined, beautiful gentleman. So of course guys are going to try and be perceived as such!

The sexuality and power of intellect is undeniable. But whether it’s intriguing insight or raw knowledge, which is what? In reality, it’s not so much the pick up lines or the questions that get us peeved, but rather when that someone begins to lie about books they’ve read or even the one you’re reading for the sole motivation of getting in your pants.

Beware the Pseudo-Intellectual!

Don’t worry gals, for here are quick and easy tips on how to avoid these fallacy-filled predators:

  1. If he says he’s read the book you’re reading, get specific. If this guy really has read this book, he’ll remember distinct characters or scenarios.
  2. If someone is staring off into the sunset in a contemplative manner or reading a monster of a book, double check to make sure he isn’t looking around to make sure people know he’s a deep thinker. Deep thinkers are normally too lost in thought to realize it.
  3. Check his Kindle to make sure he’s not reading cliffs notes! Or worse, contacting someone on fiverr for information about a book.
  4. Eye contact. This goes for any time you’re picking out a liar. If their eyes are going off in the distance or they get fidgety, keep your guard up.

Unfortunately, when it comes to literature, it’s easiest to sling BS and get away with it. Themes can be abstract, interpretations can vary and sometimes even if we’ve read the book, some facts don’t stick with us. It may just take a little luck for them to slip up with their facts. Or it just might be a gut feeling that he’s angling for something more than your home library. Regardless, you deserve to be treated with the respect to not be lied to!

Beware the Pseudo-Intellectual!

I’ll leave you with this: Go out there, be brave, and brace yourself for the storm of new wave pseudo-intellectuals dotting the seas of the dating world. Happy hunting!

Sarah enlightens us on a daily basis with the newest trends as (and often before) they transpire. She is the consummate globe trotter. Having traveled to over 70 countries, she earns her living writing, blogging ( and modeling while on the road. In her spare time she gets manicures, suntans on yachts in Greece, shops for even more shoes, and lives in the limelight. She loves photography, elephants, sailboats, bangles and ballet flats.

Reader Discussion: 101 Comments

  1. Gwen Buckley

    I believe this doesn’t say much about how gullible or ignorant men are, though it tells much about their personality and attitude when hooking up with girls. They will try to stoop so low just to get their dick inside their victims. They only waste their opportunities to find meaningful relationships, though I believe that they are not really going for genuine relationships, just one night stands. So better not look for intellect but the strength of character when dating up with guys (or anyone else) you don’t really know.

  2. Virginia Farleigh

    An encounter with those pretentious pomps can be a good chance to show how much knowledgable we are than most men and therefore assert ourselves over them. It’s easy to notice if they are just feigning their knowledge, and I agree that going into specific details are like baits that we can use to fish those lies they are weaving just to get what they want. Just be careful not to bump too much on their pride. They might get emotionally unstable and might resort to violence, but that will rarely happen, though it is always good to be careful all the time.

  3. Virginia Farleigh

    An encounter with those ‘pseudo-intellectuals’ can be a good chance to show how much knowledgable we are than most men and therefore assert ourselves over them. It’s easy to notice if they are just feigning their knowledge, and I agree that going into specific details are like baits that we can use to fish those lies they are weaving just to get what they want. Just be careful not to bump too much on their pride. They might get too emotionally unstable and might be violent, but that will rarely happen, though it is always good to be careful all the time.

  4. Blaise Dalton

    That is why we need to keep our heads packed with interesting kinds of stuff, man. It makes conversations and even small talks easier, and don’t forget to have a sense of humor.

  5. Elsa Morales

    Not sure why men even try this when it obviously won’t work. Are they really that desperate to hook up with women? What’s even worse with men like them is that they lie about something so basic. Lying is the worst thing anyone can do because one lie can lead to another. Another thing is that desperation in trying to hook up is also a red flag. You can’t expect anyone who is desperate to take you seriously or to give you your dream relationship. They just want to get in your pants.

    • Myrtle Bailey

      I know, it’s not like doing this will get them anywhere.

  6. Hazel Barker

    Intellect is always just a plus for me. Men are smart in their own different way and it’s pointless to pretend.

  7. Nellie Mills

    Good thing I ever met anyone like this. I would be completely annoyed and I don’t want to be rude to anyone.?

  8. I hope no one finds that movie interesting especially that guy. We know how the media works.

  9. Dated a lot of men in the past but none of them even bothered reaching for a book. Men who read are very rare.

  10. I have a resting bitch face so when men approach me with their bullshit, I just stare at them until they get the hint and go away. I’m not really into dating random people unless of course it’s by “fate” and there was an extreme circumstance that made me feel like he’s the one for me. But if I was approached randomly and he’s wearing glasses trying to look geeky and smart, I would probably just stare at him with my face looking like ? I don’t even care if it’s rude.

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