
Trumped, the Movie + other Weekly Discoveries

Crazy things you didn’t know about NYC, Trumped: the movie, tales from Burning Man, and more…


We are all part of a global community, and in that spirit we take each Friday to spread the love to others who’ve inspired us. In our Great Discoveries series, we feature the most interesting articles, a must-watch video and the most inspirational quote we discovered this week. Please spread the love and enjoy your day!

Trumped, the Movie + other Weekly Discoveries

60 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About NYC

Did you know that it’s a misdemeanor to fart in NYC churches? Or that it costs $1 million to get a license (medallion) to operate a taxicab? [Read in Buzzfeed]

Trumped, the Movie + other Weekly Discoveries

6 Ways to Make a Great First Impression

Either consciously or unconsciously, we make judgments about the professionalism, character and competence of others based on first impressions. [Read in Entrepreneur Mag]

Trumped: The Movie

If you saw it in a movie, it’d be just as unbelievable, right?

Trumped, the Movie + other Weekly Discoveries

Aging While Female is Not Your Worst Nightmare

A woman’s journey from youth to acceptance. [Read in Feminist Current]

Trumped, the Movie + other Weekly Discoveries

My First Burning Man: Confessions of a Conservative from Washington

To everyone who whined about this free-market crusader from DC joining liberal hippies in the desert: listen to the Burners! [Read in The Guardian]

‘We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.’
-Sir Winston Churchill

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Reader Discussion: 32 Comments

  1. Celine Carter

    Great weekly round of discoveries. 🙂 I enjoyed reading / viewing them all, however the tips on how to make a good impression stood out for me as I’m not the most confident person. Thanks so much!

  2. Anna Kaplan

    Cool video! Love the producers, big fan of the show Jimmy Kimmel Live, and really despise this Trump character. So I enjoyed watching it. Very sarcastic, and genius work. I applause them. 🙂

    • Danielle Wilson

      ?? omg! I knowwww! it IS genius!! So brilliantly done! I wish they’d make an actual series out of this. I know I would watch, even though I hate politics!

  3. Sydney Nowak

    Body may age, beauty may fade, but the only thing that matters is your soul. The article on Feminist Current really hit the spot. I’ll be following their blog, hoping to see more articles like that.

  4. Emily Wentz

    Inspirational reads. Thanks so much for taking the time to share these with us. As always, great job.

  5. Lynn Hayes

    Can’t express how happy I am that you shared this article about how to make a good impression, as I have a job interview on Monday!

    These are really so helpful, they’re going to help me a bunch when making first impressions during job interviews! Looks like there is lots to learn about making a good first impression. 🙂

  6. Catherine White

    Very well written and suprisingly helpful advice from The Entrepreneur. These tips could be used for social life too. I’m going to try to implement them next time I’m out and about. Hopefully I won’t be my usual bumbling, awkward self lol o.O

  7. Emma Blackwood

    Why is Donald Trump everywhere? We need to stop giving him publicity. We shouldn’t even acknowledge him. That’s where he’s getting his power from. I really hope he doesn’t get elected.

  8. Kaitlyn Barrett

    Amazing tips on how to make a good impression. I think it is such a helpful article. Good advice even for an out going person like myself!

  9. Camila Hilhorst

    Such an insightful article from Feminist Current. Ageing is tough. It is especially so, for those that may not have accomplished goals or have not obtained self respect through their jobs or actions.

    • Nicky Bryan

      Very much enjoyed this week’s discoveries. Really touched by Lori Day’s article. Beautifully written! There’s still a long way til I can say I’m aging, but when I do, I will strive to be a strong, capable wise old person, but will always miss, just a little bit, the way a group of men opened up their conversational circle when I approached. 🙂

  10. Pamela Sanabria

    I love the New York Facts! 😀 My brother lives in Brooklyn. One thing I didn’t know was how ridiculously easy it is to ride around. The Red Hook area looked like it was undergoing a bit of a makeover too.

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