
Why Women Marry Late

Where and how does marriage fit in with our end goals?


There was a time in my life when I felt like it was a given that I’d have children. I never really considered that I had other options. But, as I grow older, I’m starting to re-think that. Like so many other women, I’m realizing that modern women have other choices, and the pros of marrying late are starting to outweigh the cons.

Why Women Marry Late

So much so, in fact, that the average age of women’s (first) marriage has been pushed back from the average age of 23 years old in 1981 to between 30 and 33 years old across Europe (in America it’s still only 27). Emphasis is placed on “first marriage” as we all know how marriages have become nowadays, that is, simply defined by a piece of paper that can easily be retracted in most territories. But that’s another story.

Case in point, recently wed Kate Middleton got married to Prince William at 29 years old, in great contrast to her would-have-been mother in law Lady Diana Spencer, who entered marriage at 20 years.

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Sarah enlightens us on a daily basis with the newest trends as (and often before) they transpire. She is the consummate globe trotter. Having traveled to over 70 countries, she earns her living writing, blogging ( and modeling while on the road. In her spare time she gets manicures, suntans on yachts in Greece, shops for even more shoes, and lives in the limelight. She loves photography, elephants, sailboats, bangles and ballet flats.

Reader Discussion: 113 Comments

  1. Rosie Jenkins

    People are different. Others are still successful even if they got married early and others are miserable. It depends.

  2. Alicia Parker

    Another thing about marriage being delayed is because the sanctity of marriage is gone. Everyone is cheating, everyone is playing, no one is taking relationships seriously anymore. If boyfriend and girlfriend relationships aren’t taken seriously, what makes us think that marriage will be taken seriously? Personally, I don’t think I’m going to get married until I really meet a person that is willing to sail wild waters with me. So far, my perception of relationships isn’t very great.

  3. Lula Burton

    A lot of my college friends got married as soon as they graduated. I don’t know what the rush was for, but I guess they really wanted to get married asap.

  4. Anne Rios

    Not to be bitter about relationships but I’ve experienced so many bad things in a relationship and I feel like no matter how old I am, I will never be ready with marriage.

    • Kathryn Hill

      It’s not just you, girl. I feel the same.

  5. Kathryn Matthews

    Men are the worst in my generation and I don’t even believe that there are decent guys out there anymore. Such a tragedy.

    • Okoi Arikpo

      We exist baby..

  6. Casey Craig

    I remember my grandmother telling me to get married asap because I’m getting old. People, I’m only 25.?

  7. Elsa Morales

    I’m a single mother right now and I’m 29. I love my daughter a lot and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s 9 years old now. If I was to give an advice to anyone about marriage or having kids, make sure that you do it at a time wherein you’re mature enough and in the right state of mind. Marrying young or getting pregnant at an early age can cause a lot of problems, not only in your body but also your future. I know that people will argue that age is just a number but no, it has something to do with maturity as well.

  8. Margaret

    Wow 50% custodial moms and raising their kids solo. Guys, what are you doing???

  9. McNulty

    Statistics on women getting married late has increased. I’m not even surprised. Women want to be single now and it empowers them.?

  10. Life is harder now and money is needed everywhere. You can’t just get married and have babies when you don’t have a stable job. Of all the things that are listed here, I’m voting for stability.

    • Shirley Haynes

      Same, being in your mid 20’s in my opinion is the time when you’re just a few years starting from your first job and what have you achieved at that time? Not so much, I bet.

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