5 American Sex Norms Europeans Think Are Crazy + other Weekly Discoveries
American sex norms that are whack, a beauty blogger with bullies, how booze makes you happier than kids, and more…
We are all part of a global community, and in that spirit we take each Friday to spread the love to others who’ve inspired us. In our Great Discoveries series, we feature the most interesting articles, a must-watch video and the most inspirational quote we discovered this week. Please spread the love and enjoy your day!
![]() 5 American sex norms Europeans think are crazyAll I can say is that they make some really, really good points. [Read on RawStory] |
![]() Study: Sex And Alcohol Make You Happier Than Having Kids And ReligionMoney may not be able to buy happiness, but sex and alcohol surely can — at least, according to new research. [Read on Elite Daily] |
‘You look disgusting’ – Interview with beauty blogger who shamed bullies: |
![]() Listen to the pope: Don’t cause animals to suffer or die needlesslyDoes Catholicism require opposition to animal cruelty, including industrial farming? [Read via the LA Times] |
![]() Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren’t Taught in SchoolMost of us were never taught how to identify or deal with our own emotions, or the emotions of others. Here’s a lesson. [Read via LifeHacker] |
Heather Strobel
Wow! What a beautiful message to wake up to. I am so happy to read the article about the Pope, everything said rings home. In a world where it feels like no one cares. Reading it makes me realize that other people understand animals are emotional creatures capable of love, happiness, pain and depression. People really care about animals and don’t want them to suffer.
Carrie Zamora
The article about emotional intelligence is very interesting and I hope this should be one of the focus of education. This would prevent if not lessen the negative behavior of people like the ones in the “You look disgusting” video.
Sandra Brown
I consider two of the articles you shared today as intriguing: that one about sex norms and that study which revealed sex and alcohol make people happier. But I particularly liked the article about the Pope. It’s a good thing that he’s encouraging mercy for all, including animals. I’m a proud vegan. It was not an easy transformation but I realized it’s worth it. At least, I’m free from guilt!
La. M.
I taught lifeskills to teens for a while. We focused largely on emotional intelligence. Really rewarding work. Young people gravitate towards this type of self management if they know that it exists. And if they have the skills to test and tweak before they are adults, they get a lot of mileage out of simple lessons. They just need adults to catch up. It’s really hard teaching self management and communication skills to kids who are surrounded by adults that don’t even have the basics down.
Arabella Clarington
Great selection of articles! It is very important to teach younger generation proper emotional education. We don’t teach them what to feel but we should teach them how to understand their emotions. This is one of my challenges as my kids are growing.
Some people will say that understanding emotions can be learned through interaction with other people while growing up, but what if on the process you’ve interacted with the wrong ones? What if the people around are not “good emotional teachers?”
I totally agree with the article on emotional intelligence. This is something I teach and impart to teenagers as a school psychologist. Sometimes, I can’t help but wish I had this stuff when I was younger.
Carolyn Donovan
I love the pope! Now I’m proud I went vegan and that my principle is right: No animals need to die in order for me to live. Yeah, mercy and compassion SHOULD be for ALL!
Crystal Nicholson
Well, raising a daughter alone, made me arrive at my own life formula:
Happy Sex (plus(+) Happy Marriage (minus(-) Alcohol = Kids = Happiness
Amanda Young
Well, I think a LOT of Americans think of those sex norms crazy as well!!! LOL 🙂
Brittany Thompson
Really?! Having kids won’t make me happier?!!! I plan to have kids someday because I’ve been working with kids as a teacher and they’re making me happy.
Well, I’ve read the article, I think title needs to be changed. Sex and alcohol won’t make me (or even you) happier, they just scaled higher in “happy things to do” which is very different from having a happy life.
Brenda Stow
Like you, I would like to have kids someday. I personally believe that having kids will give me self-fulfillment. I think a study like this varies, after all, each has limitations. The results of this one are from a “study size group,” we can also consider geography. Some may value religion higher, sex lower or vice versa. Results of this one does not necessarily point out to you.
But I know where you’re coming from, articles like this might really have an influence or impact on others.
Andrea Clark
The link to the study conducted in New Zeland is no longer working and the article was published years ago. So you see, this study “might” be applicable then but NOT now 🙂 Still, happiness depends on your choice.
Melissa Mendez
I believe Elite Daily published a more recent article entitled: “Researchers Find Having More Sex Doesn’t Necessarily Make You Happier.” You may find the article here: https://elitedaily.com/news/world/study-sex-doesnt-lead-happiness/1029357/