
Natural Stress Relievers + other Weekly Discoveries

Natural miracle stress relievers, fun ways to say ‘I Love You’, how power makes people less caring, and more…


We are all part of a global community, and in that spirit we take each Friday to spread the love to others who’ve inspired us. In our Great Discoveries series, we feature the most interesting articles, a must-watch video and the most inspirational quote we discovered this week. Please spread the love and enjoy your day!

Natural Stress Relievers + other Weekly Discoveries

Nature’s Miracle Stress Relievers

Ashwaganda, astragalus and cordyceps are all-natural adaptogens – some of the coolest herbs in the wellness world. Read up on all the deets… [Read on at Food Matters]

Natural Stress Relievers + other Weekly Discoveries

How Successful People Stay Calm

The ability to stay calm and manage stress under pressure has a direct link to your performance. [Read on Talent Smart]

A 2-minute video from the University of California on how power makes people less considerate:
Natural Stress Relievers + other Weekly Discoveries

16 Fun Ways to Say I Love You

Things we bet you hadn’t already thought of. [Read on Mind Body Green]

Natural Stress Relievers + other Weekly Discoveries

Stephen King on How to Be a Great Writer

Learn from a master. [Read on Business Insider]

‘The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.’
-John Kenneth Galbraith

Urbanette® is the thinking woman's lifestyle guide. Join tastemaker #HilaryRowland and discover the Urbanette® lifestyle: exciting, empowering and elegant.

Reader Discussion: 12 Comments

  1. Natural stress relievers sound great but I’d like to know where to find these or which is the best to use?!

  2. Honestly, when I read “Stephen King” among your collection, I got excited and clicked on the link you gave. He’s a great author and I’m impressed with his writing. It’s interesting that literature doesn’t really include horror (on top of the list), but Stephen proved that this genre is not just about “thrills” but it’s about awakening the deepest mysteries of the soul and life 🙂

  3. Am I so young and in love??? My attention was immediately caught by “16 Fun ways to say I Love You.” Although I must admit, I need that article on staying calm. tsk…

  4. When I decided with my “vegan” journey, I became a wellness and health advocate. That article about natural stress reliever is simple but well-researched! Simply put, eat “real” food and not from a box.

    • Totally agree! The more you learn about food issues, the more it makes you want to tell/help other people.

  5. Thanks for sharing article about Stephen King!

    I’m an avid fan of Stephen King. He’s incredibly a gifted writer who can convey complex emotions in half a page! His characters are full of life and I really feel they are real instead of “just” characters.

  6. Great collection. I particularly liked the article on natural stress relievers. I’m very interested in trying these methods. But do I take all of them at once?

    • I don’t see why not! I bought a bunch and am going to take them with (or in) my morning smoothie. I make it with plant-based protein powder, bananas, avocado and frozen berries. Yummy!

  7. Grace under pressure, that’s what I need the most in my life. Reading the article “how successful people stay calm” helped me so much in staying calm at the most nerve-wracking moment of my life. Thanks for sharing these discoveries!

  8. I’m definitely going to try some of those stress relievers. Maybe they’ll help with performance anxiety 😉

  9. That video makes me want to learn more… I wish it was 20 minutes longer so they’d cover more info. Interesting, nonetheless.

  10. I love the MindBodyGreen article. My favorite ideas:

    Plan the entire day in advance.
    Answering the question, “What should we do today?” can be tiresome and monotonous. Take away the burden by coming up with prearranged suggestions for meals and activities. Your partner will love the mental break!

    Make a memory deck of your time together.
    Grab an old deck of cards. Paste a fitted, blank piece of paper to every card. Write down a special memory from your time together on each. Punch holes in the left, top corner and bind it with a ribbon or shoe string. You’ve now created a personalized, highlight reel for your mate to relive, time and time again.

    …but I think photobooks are even better…

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