
Talking Cats + other Weekly Discoveries

12 amazing Netflix documentaries, how to avoid getting hacked, decoding cats, and more…


We are all part of a global community, and in that spirit we take each Friday to spread the love to others who’ve inspired us. In our Great Discoveries series, we feature the most interesting articles, a must-watch video and the most inspirational quote we discovered this week. Please spread the love and enjoy your day!

Talking Cats + other Weekly Discoveries

How to Speak Cat

A guide to decoding cat language. [Read on Stylist]

Talking Cats + other Weekly Discoveries

8 Security Tricks That Will Make You Harder to Hack

Because you can never be too careful. [Read on Business Insider]

Cowspiracy is the best thriller documentary we’ve seen since The Cove.
Talking Cats + other Weekly Discoveries

Are Women Their Own Worst Critics?

How the women are subconsciously holding each other – and ourselves back. [Read on the Huffington Post]

Talking Cats + other Weekly Discoveries

Netflix Business Documentaries to Watch Instantly

12 documentaries on Netflix that will make you smarter about business. [Read on Business Insider]

‘Great spirits often encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.’

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Reader Discussion: 31 Comments

  1. Dana Rosatti

    Cowspiracy seems to be very well done! I’d love to see the whole documentary.

    • Elin Hanks

      I completely agree. I wonder where it is available for view?

  2. Matilda Parker

    Bookmarked the article about the business related documentaries on Netflix. I currently don’t have a Netflix account. But my Hulu subscription ends mid day. And I’ll switch to Netflix instead. 🙂

    • Samantha Anthony

      Great decision! Netflix is the best! I’ve been a subscriber since pretty much the beginning.

      • Sonja Fallow

        I second that! The best part about Netflix is, it has it’s own unique content too. You’ll love it. 😉

  3. “How To Speak Cat” made me wish I could actually speak cat. I’m one of those cat crazed girls, who’ll probably end up with 15 cats when she’s old hahaha

    • Jae Medina

      Haha I wish I could say that for myself! I’d LOVE to have at least one cat, but I’m allergic. And the worst part is, I’m a natural born cat lady… 🙁 Damn these allergies!

      • Oh no! That sucks 🙁 I hope they find a permanent cure for the cat allergies so you can enjoy the love of these littler fur balls like the rest of us. 🙂

  4. Amanda Roberts

    Amazing finds as usual! Love the ending with that amazing Einstein quote. 🙂

  5. Emily Wentz

    I love all of these! Especially the article on Huffington Post about women being their own worst critic. Those who haven’t checked it out yet, totally should!

  6. Lana Urie

    A well balanced round up of fun and business altogether. 🙂 Really appreciate these all. Thanks!

  7. Danielle Wilson

    Once again, amazing work! You never fail us readers! Always looking forward to seeing more from Urbanette. 🙂

  8. Raechel Hart

    How awesome! My 9 year old daughter will go crazy about the possibility of being able to communicate with our cat, haha! Just brilliant! Thank you. 🙂

  9. Really enjoyed these all! This weekly Great Discoveries from The Web series always makes my friday more interesting and fun.

  10. Sharry Lennon

    Great work! And thanks a lot for sharing the business related documentaries. I’m planing to start my own business. These will be useful.

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