
4 Reasons To Eat More Carbs

Want to lose weight or get rid of brain fog? Think that the low-carb diet is the way to do it? Read this first.

4 Reasons To Eat More Carbs

Models eat good carbs to stay slim and still have energy

Carbs and Your Metabolism

First things first, you’ve likely heard the term ‘metabolism’ tossed around a few times. Your metabolism is essentially the rate in which your body is going to burn up body fat. The faster your metabolism is, the sooner you’re going to be sporting that lean, sexy body you’re after.

What most women don’t know though is that those low carb diets are disastrous to their metabolic rate.

4 Reasons To Eat More CarbsBasically, the minute you go super low carb (less than 100 grams per day would count as very low carb), is the minute your body begins to slow down its metabolic rate. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of fuel. While you can use dietary fat as a fuel source if you have to – your body would rather use carbs if it can. As such, when carbs are gone from the picture, your body starts to conserve fuel. Your body will realize that the energy it wants just isn’t in and for all it’s concerned, starvation isn’t too far off.

If your metabolism is slower and you burn fewer calories over the course of the day, that means you’ll stay alive longer in the face of starvation. Remember, your body doesn’t care you just want to fit into your skinny jeans. It cares that you stay alive, thus it’s going to work against you here.

4 Reasons To Eat More Carbs

Good carbs = effective exercise

Carbs and Your Workout Performance

Next, also note that a very low carb diet is going to be very bad for all intense exercise performance. If you plan on doing strength training (which you most definitely should be if fat loss is your goal) or sprint training for cardio, you need carbs. Without carbs, you simply can’t do this exercise at the intensity level you need to. While the body can burn fat at lower intensity levels, for intense exercise, carbs are the only source of energy you can use. So if you remove carbs, you’ll be removing exercise. Not a wise game plan if looking good naked is your goal.

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Rebecca is Urbanette's Beauty and Health Editor. She is an expert in all things related to beauty, holistic health, organic food, toxins, and fitness. She is a part-time model and nutritionist who grew up in Canada, spent most of her adulthood in Brooklyn, and now lives with her boyfriend David in Zurich, Switzerland. Check out her blog at RadiantPeach.com

Reader Discussion: 209 Comments

  1. Jill Stocker

    Very informative, I shall take your advice. Well presented article. Thanks for your advice.

  2. Great info and im going on a full veggie diet for a month, and i dont really want to eat anything i dont really need

  3. Belinda O'Neill

    Great info and im going on a full veggie diet for a month, and i dont really want to eat anything i dont really need

  4. Lucy Brennen

    I eat around 370-500 grams of carbs per day (unrefined mostly) and it is from 80-60 percent of my overall calories.

  5. Hayden Wallace

    I say that if your exercising you should eat carbs especially if your doing intense resistance training.

  6. Heidi Newman

    I really like the way that you simplify and get to the point. Thanks!

  7. Ophelia Strand

    Carbs from vegetables and fruits are great. Carbs from sweets, breads, cakes etc… are not good.

    • That is a simple and obvious fact and most people must know this, if they knew how seriously important it was they would stick to real food, its that simple..

  8. Joanna Brynne

    Is it okay to eat white rice but in moderation? Because a lot of Asian countries eat rice three times a day and their diabetic rate and obesity seems low compared to U.S

  9. Melanie Standford

    So the carbs doesn’t matter, just avoid the obviously sweet things like cake and candy and you will lose weight so long as you eat in moderation.

  10. Kimberly Braun

    What’s a good diet to lose weight? Because I’m battling to lose the stomach fat.

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