
The Rise of Vice + other Weekly Discoveries

Vice: from welfare to billions, gay Trump, travel horror stories, feminist books, and more…


Urbanette’s Friday morning series featuring the most interesting articles, video and quote we discovered this week. Enjoy!

The Rise of Vice + other Weekly Discoveries

The Rise of VICE

The amazing story of how VICE went from Canadian-welfare-funded to $4B valuation. [Read in the Ottawa Citizen]

The Rise of Vice + other Weekly Discoveries

Former Meat and Dairy Farmers Who Became Vegan Activists

Touching stories… [Read at Free From Harm]

Donald GAY Trump — because it’s pretty darn hilarious:
The Rise of Vice + other Weekly Discoveries

10 of the Most Inspiring Books for the Modern Feminist

Books that are helping to shape social change. [Read at Viva Today]

The Rise of Vice + other Weekly Discoveries

Seven Professional Travelers Share Their Travel Horror Stories

“I once had a night in the woods in Yosemite when a guy was going around stabbing people…” [Read at Uproxx]

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

–Albert Einstein

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Reader Discussion: 37 Comments

  1. Nicole Derseweh

    Trump video just made my day 😉

  2. Emily Wentz

    Terrific to see that people are waking up. The only reason I ever ate meat & dairy was because I was forced into it from infancy; I’m so grateful to those whose example helped me see that this shuts down wisdom and compassion for all of us; how fantastic that Renee’s heart was open enough to feel mercy. How courageous of Tommy to question the cultural programming, and trust his heart, and his love for a fine woman. Another positive sign of humanity evolving! 🙂

  3. Amelia Beckons

    Lovely stories about lovely people. This is what we need to see more of. Animal agriculture simply can’t feed the world’s growing population and people are beginning to wake up to that fact and the other, more obvious one: These animals want to LIVE.

  4. Susanna Milton

    My “to read” list just got a lot bigger. I wanna take a million days off and read them all!!!! So many good books on this list! Loading my Kindle right now. 😀

  5. Christina Norelli

    W O W !!! These travel horror stories really makes you think… I’m never travelling alone again. And I’m definitely getting travel insurance.

    • Debbie Jones

      Good idea. When bad luck hits, it hits. It doesn’t care whether you’re home or on vacation. Travel insurance is a very smart idea.

  6. Matilda Parker

    RE: 10 of the Most Inspiring Books for the Modern Feminist: Emailing this to my book club. I’m sure my girls will be more than happy to read and discuss these books. Big thanks, Urbanette!

  7. Sibel Jenkinson

    Great list of books by feminist authors. I have read some of them. And I’d like to read the others. If it was my list however, I’d have made “Girls will be Girls” by Emer O’Toole my umber one. It’s not mentioned there, but I’d recommend all my fellow Urbanettes to read it. 🙂

  8. I’m a vegan too and I applaud these former farmers’ decisions. If those people who made a living out of farm animals managed to go vegan, what’s keeping the rest of the world?!

  9. I love 9 out of the 10 of these modern feminist books. ‘How to be a woman’ by Caitlin Moran should not have been included; a book which addresses no global injustice WHATSOEVER. Pretty accurate with the other 9 though.

  10. Andrea Mitchell

    Some of these books are life changing, and evelutionary! But of course course, that was not a comprehensive list. There are many more vital feminist works. 🙂

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