
7 Steps to Prevent Infidelity

Our best common-sense tips for preventing infidelity in the workplace and elsewhere.


Sometimes even the best relationships have hiccups. As couples go through their ups-and-downs, it’s important not to let our ‘downs’ become disastrous. Here are a few tips to smooth the ride and avoid a breakup-worthy disaster:

7 Steps to Prevent Infidelity

1. Recognize that work can be a danger zone.

  • Don’t have lunch or take coffee breaks frequently with the same person.
  • Don’t get into discussions around the water cooler with co-workers that you find attractive.
  • When you travel with a co-worker, meet in public, not in a room with a bed.
  • At the office party, pretend the coworker who’s flirting with you has gonorrhea, then talk about your happy relationship, or better yet, talk to someone else.

7 Steps to Prevent Infidelity

2. Minimize your alcohol and drug intake when you’re not with your significant other.

Skip that third beer when you’re out with the guys, or the second martini with work colleagues. Mistakes happen more frequently when you’re not thinking clearly. We all know that unintended hookups happen when alcohol is involved. Bad ideas somehow become irresistible, and in the morning you’ll have to deal with the damaging consequences.

7 Steps to Prevent Infidelity

3. Avoid emotional intimacy with attractive alternatives to your committed relationship.

Resist the desire to rescue an unhappy soul who pours their heart out to you. Emotional disclosures are the first step to building an inappropriate emotional bond that could end up in an affair. Most affairs aren’t planned, and they’re often with people less physically attractive than their spouse.

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Shirley P. Glass, Ph.D. is the author of NOT "Just Friends": Protect Your Relationship from Infidelity and Heal the Trauma of Betrayal.

Reader Discussion: 154 Comments

  1. Brian Keyes

    I wish my wife would read this and stop torturing me, but mainly because it’s tearing my children apart. Especially now that she’s the one cheating. 🙁

  2. Fred Altman

    A cheater is constantly trying to cover their tracks, which gives you the immediate advantage. A stunning 10% of affairs start online, and when you factor communication methods like cell phones and social media into the equation, there’s a high possibility that the evidence of cheating is already out there. You just need to know where to look. Contact : lordhack242 at GMAIL dot COM today to help you get the evidence you need

  3. Jackie Chavez

    Cheaters, be careful and stop cheating on your innocent partner. Cheaters take some inspiration from this article and stop your dirty business.

  4. Ramon Walters

    I wish my girlfriend would have come across this article before cheating on me.

    • Marilyn May

      My husband needs to see this. He just can’t get enough of other girls and keeps on cheating on me.

    • Doreen Carlson

      I need to share this with my best friend’s boyfriend because he is cheating on my friend and I don’t want to break her heart. I wish he magically reads this article and can control himself after.

    • Rosemarie Gibbs

      Nobody can stop a cheater from cheating. Not an article. Because a cheater would never accept that he is a cheater. And would never consider this tips.

  5. Kathy Gregory

    Thanks for saving a bunch of relationships. I have been in a relationship with a cheater and he ruined my life. I would be so happy if this article will help save a single relationship.

    • Judy Robertson

      TOTALLY! This article is gonna help save many relationships. Thanks urbanette for helping people! Thank you for showing those cheaters the right way.

  6. Cecilia Little

    Why do people cheat on their partner?? I hate people who can’t keep their promise and cheat. Everybody I know is either cheating or getting divorced.

  7. Gloria Castillo

    Thank you for the tips — many of my friends need this because they can’t stop staring at other girls even when they are committed.

  8. Rex Bush

    I love my wife and don’t need these tips.

  9. Juana Gross

    These are really great tips to make me concentrate on work and avoid those handsome guys in my office.

    • Tasha Pope

      I find it funny people these days need tips to prevent cheating on their partner.

    • Elisa Wolfe

      It’s cheating when you have to control your feeling with the help of these tips. If you love someone really you won’t be attracted to anybody around you no matter how attractive they are.

  10. Nettie Robinson

    I left my husband many years ago because he cheated. There no forgiveness for cheating.

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