
A Roman Scoop: 3 Days in Rome

Join us on a tour through this exciting city full of sexy history.


We walked from one must-see landmark to the next, only hopping on the underground metro once or twice during our four-day stay. To us New Yorkers, a thirty-minute walk equated to “a stone’s throw away” (we’re really good at throwing stones in New York), so we meandered through Rome on foot, sticky under the blazing sun, but grateful to be back in a place with traffic lights and two-way streets.

A Roman Scoop: 3 Days in Rome

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain was a toss away from our B&B, so we visited it rather frequently. In the Fountain’s vicinity, we were thrilled to find a line of souvenir shops selling miniature statues of Italian landmarks—from the Colosseum to Pisa’s Leaning Tower—for just a euro a pop, and we stocked up a little too enthusiastically on the small figurines.

The Pantheon was a mere pebble’s skip from La Fontana di Trevi—Rome’s homage to the ancient gods, the mammoth stone structure is absolutely breathtaking with its commanding, Corinthian columns and extravagant rotunda. It is so painstakingly detailed that, by the time we’d finished marveling at its intricate, golden interior, we were absolutely starved.

A Roman Scoop: 3 Days in Rome

The Pantheon

Lunchtime was always met with a chorus of “I don’t know!” and “You decide!” as we debated over where to spend our rapidly dwindling euros. Low cost was key—our funds were quite limited, so we sought eateries that advertised buffet deals and discounted combinations.

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Kristin started her career at Marie Claire and is now an editor / staff writer at Forbes. Born and raised in the Big Apple, Kristin's biggest pet peeves are run-on sentences, unwittingly published typos, and public transportation delays. A fervent shutterbug, arts-and-crafts enthusiast, and bona fide gourmand with an insatiable wanderlust, she's been fortunate enough to have already journeyed to over a dozen foreign countries (including Hungary, Spain, Bermuda, and most recently, Costa Rica!).

Reader Discussion: 229 Comments

  1. Al Santos

    My department is having a trip going to Rome! We are very excited because we are all first-timers. Rome is one of my dream destinations, and I am happy that my department has given a chance to visit Rome.

  2. Kathryn Murphy

    Arrived in Florence from Rome just in time for lunch! I think Florence is perfect for people who want peace.

  3. Michelle Edwards

    Can’t wait for my Rome trip, so I can have my friends reenact The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and When In Rome starring the Olsen Twins. LOL

  4. Leslie George

    I am keen to do a trip to Rome, and around later this year. Could you send me a link to the itinerary for your incredible trips? I’d love to get some ideas of where to go.

  5. Carolyn Kelly

    If there is just one thing I have taken from my trip to Rome, it is, that the locals DO NOT stop for the “green man” or at zebra crossings. Hahaha!!!

  6. Jessica Garcia

    The Trevi Fountain is what I remember when we visit Rome. I was amazed when I see the fountain with my own eyes. It’s a must see! I highly recommend this place.

  7. Emanuel Terry

    Fantastic 4 days in Rome spent with Sophie, now at the airport waiting to fly home to LGW. A truly memorable and fantastic trip. Looking forward to my next visit here.

  8. Anne Griffin

    Whenever I hear Rome, I remember my ex-lover who brought me there. It was a perfect night for us, he even proposed to me, but I was too young that time. He is my great love.

  9. Paula Smith

    I am crying right now. I miss living in Florence. I lived there for four years because I studied there. It’s true, the stores are closing too early, but the place is very quiet, and relaxing.

  10. Myron Stephens

    My wife’s dream is to have dinner at Italy, but the expense is too much. I am working very hard to make her dream come true. I wish I can take her to Rome by next year.

    • Rose Mitchell

      What a loving husband. I think they have package tours in Rome? Never been in Rome, but mostly they have package deals.

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