
考虑作弊? 你应该这样做的 12 个理由




作为一个女人,我知道一个事实,即与男朋友发生性关系而产生的情感联系会产生一种纽带; 每次我们彼此亲密时,这种联系就会加强。 相反,如果我们中的一个人作弊,最终亲密关系和亲密关系都会减少。

考虑作弊? 你应该这样做的 12 个理由

无论您的爱人是否发现,出轨都不可避免地会对关系和个人产生情感影响。 女人寻求感受情感; 他们以此为生。 女人发现她们通过情感建立联系,而性爱会引起强烈的情感共鸣。

作为一个女人(或男人),只要知道你们的关系已经受到损害,就会让你们在情感上脱节,即使是轻微的。 总有权衡取舍。 与您的男朋友/女朋友发生性关系,偶尔放纵一下。 这绝对是一种自我破坏的行为!

页数: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Born and raised in Texas, Shelly is currently studying to receive her Master's Degree in Publishing at the University of Houston - Victoria.  Shelly is a writer for Urbanette Magazine, and loves "everything it is and all that it offers our readers, and to me personally". She is passionate about life, family, friends, her maltipoo, Truman. She is a lover of all things culinary and the arts (13 year veteran of ballet).

Reader Discussion: 155 Comments

  1. Ronnie

    I’m regretting falling in love with my partner. To begin with, I fell in love with an alcoholic who later became sober within the first year of our relationship. Her sobriety is great, however it showed me the true person that was under the drunken lie. I adjusted my life to help her stay sober and it’s working for her, however it’s taking a toll on me and all the accommodations I’ve made to continue to be in a relationship with her. She’s pushed me away many times over the course of our relationship and even told me if she was me she wouldn’t be in the type of relationship she’s putting me through. She’s so inconsistent in her mind and heart that it’s stifling me now. I recently tried to pull away and take a break, to give her the space and freedom she wants. When I did, she kept reaching out and wouldn’t allow me to clear her from my mind. I came back and not even a week later she was back to being her lame, inconsistent, empty promising, over obsessed with her family’s approval (she’s Latina, deep deep deep deep deep obsession with her family of alcoholics who never knew how to show her love and affection) lackluster self in our relationship again. I have never cheated in any relationship I have been in BUT now I am strongly considering. Simply just to cleanse my mind, body and spirit of her energy. It’s a sad truth and reality that I’m faced with right now.

  2. Dean

    没有骗子会让他们的另一半访问他们的设备,这就是为什么人们很难获得不忠的证据。 您可以打破规则以获得您应得的安心。 只有少数人可以做到这一点,您必须非常小心。
    I had to put up with a cheating partner for almost two years until I decided to get evidence since I had nothing on her. It was a tough decision but it was necessary!

  3. 诺拉

    女人也总是出轨男人…… 或者至少考虑一下。 当我知道很多女人面临同样的问题时,我不确定为什么每个人都只关注男人出轨

  4. 自认为很有魅力的男人会出轨。 他们觉得每当他们作弊时,这都会增加他们的东西的长度。 太糟糕了,因为不,它没有。

  5. 黎明之爱

    兴奋真的死了。 最终你会厌倦这种激动和你新建立的关系变成了什么? 没有什么。?

  6. 塔拉托德

    有一次我在动态消息上看到她丈夫出轨时广告牌上的广告。 有点认为这是真的,但这很有趣。

  7. 保拉威尔金斯

    我已经听过很多次了,出轨的男人会因为他们的不足而责怪他们的伴侣。 如果说有谁不合适,那就是那个为了小事而决定出轨的男人。 以前听过很多次,我遇到过比其他人更糟糕的人。 想要出轨的男人会在他们的伴侣身上找到理由,这样他们就可以继续出轨。 我同情那些被她们伤害的女性,因为她们有时会责怪自己。

  8. 莎拉布雷迪

    天啊,看到那张脖子上挂着防水油布的家伙的照片,说他出轨了。 有那么好笑吗? 经典的!!!

  9. 玛姬法兰西


  10. 尤拉·考克斯

    我很高兴我找到了一个以前出轨但完全改变的人。 我知道你们中的一些人可能会说我应该小心点,但我确信他已经改变了。

    • 玛丽亚


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